Pensez Printemps
Original soundtrack for Pensez Printemps, a radio fiction written and directed by Mehdi Bayad.
Director: Mehdi Bayad / Assistant directors: Félix Kempf, Vivien Ghiron Recording: Bastien Hidalgo Ruiz / Sound FX: Céline Bernard / Music: Anna Muchin / Mixing: Jonathan Rémy / With: Ariane Rousseau, Marie-Hélène Remâcle, Martin Spinhayer, Antoine Guillaume, Laura Fautré, Catherine Decrolier, Sandy Duret, Julie Duroisin, Aurelio Mergola
Produced by Pièce de Huit & Mazal ASBL, with the support of ACSR and FACR, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles